For some time now, I have been wondering if reviews about London escorts are genuine. Many of the London escorts reviews that I have read, seem to come from men who have only dated a London escort once. Surely you need to have more dating experience of London escorts than a single date. On top of that, I do wonder if we should review escort services at all. Dating escorts in London is a very personal experience, and to be fair, I am not sure that you can use a star rating system to value escorts or any other personal service.
What To Look For In A Great Escort
Would you like to date London escorts? If this is the first time you are thinking about dating a girl from a London escorts agency, you probably want to know what to look for. What makes a great London escort varies a great deal. A lot of men think that London escorts are all about long legs and big tits, but that is not true. Men date London escorts for all sorts of reasons. Not all men want to date escorts in London because they feel the need for a sexy companion.
A Sparkling Personality
Most London escorts that I have met at a London escort near me in London, all have great personalities. I think that a pleasant personality is just as important as a sexy curvy body. There are men out there who think that the only matters when it comes to cheap London escorts is a sexy body. But, I have learned that dating escorts is about more than that. When you are out on a date, you want to have some fun as well. Unless the girl has a bit of personality, there is no way that you are going to have a good time.
What About Dress Code
Should all London escorts dress like sluts? I know many men who think that all escorts in London should dress like tarts. Once again, it all depends on what you are looking for. If you want to spend time with a tarty girl, I guess it is personally important to you that she dresses like a slut. But when you want to have a bit more of an upmarket experience such as a business date, dating a girl who looks like a tart is not going to do you any good.
When you stop and take all of this into consideration, it really makes you wonder if you should leave reviews for London escorts. Dating any girl, escort or not, is a very deep personal experience. You would never dream of leaving a girl you have met down your local a review on Facebook or something like that. I love dating escorts in London, but I would not dream of leaving an escort review. It is such a personal experience that it is simply not fair to judge a girl’s performance over an hour or perhaps a little bit longer.